
2017年07月20日 活動報告






そしてリバーサイドホテル熊本に移動し、「草枕」国際俳句大会実行委員会副会長 西川盛雄さん(熊本大学名誉教授・国際俳句交流協会会員)に講演いただき、日本独自の文化である俳句の世界にふれ、日本特有の「侘び・寂び」の精神を感じていただきました。



夜は熊本ホテルキャッスルにて夜の熊本城が見ながら、少女舞踊団「ザ・わらべ」の演舞や津軽三味線奏者 髙﨑裕士氏の演奏により日本(熊本)の文化に触れながら郷土料理を楽しんでいただくレセプションパーティを開催し懇親を深めました。


2017 JCI Academy in Kumamoto was held from July 6th to 13th.


As an excursion program on 6th , the delegates from all over the world had a bus tour around Kumamoto Castle which is one of the best Kumamoto’s sightseeing resources. Even it was raining, they must have felt the grandness of Japan’s historical architectures.


Then, delegates moved to Riverside Hotel Kumamoto, and had a lecture about Haiku. Emeritus Professor Morio Nishikawa, from Kumamoto University talked about Haiku. He is also an executive committee of International "Kusamakura" Haiku Competition. Delegates learned about Japanese specific poetry Haiku, and felt unique sense of “Wabi-Sabi.” Each of them composed 2 Haiku poetries about their countries and Kumamoto.


At night, we had a reception party while seeing Kumamoto Castle from Hotel Castle Kumamoto. There were local dishes and Japanese cultural performances; “The Warabe” girls dance show and a performance of Tsugaru shamisen player Hiroshi Takasaki.

